JUNXING M125 Specialized Sale


Junxing Archery Recent Products


JUNXING Archery Hot Product

JUNXING M125 compound bow is the most recent popular product on JUNXING. JUNXING M125 is an impressive compound bow and a good choice for anyone who wants a compound bow. JUNXING has been a quality leader in aluminum alloy handles for many years, providing high-grade products that satisfy every user’s need and can withstand the test of time.


This is the most popular product in JUNXING F series

JUNXING Compound Bow Review

"I am a bow user, and I have used the JUNXING M125 COMPOUND BOW for coming up to 7 years now. This bow is very stable and has amazing power."
Jennifer Lewis
"I was so excited to have found a compound bow that is not cheaply made, but also not outrageously priced. "
Alicia Heart
"I just wanted to say what a great product the JUNXING Compound bow is. We use it for our archery program and everyone loves it."
Juan Carlos


Some Questions About JUNXING Recurve Bows

The JUNXING M125 bow and arrow is durable up to strong impacts, the bow case can also offer good protection. With proper care, it can last quite a long time.

Our company’s shipping time is always twenty-four hours or less after order is placed.

In general, a shorter length is preferable when hunting because it offers a more stealthy option. A long bow will tend to make a lot of noise and don’t move as easily since its pointed in the direction that it is pulled. Depending on the type of hunting you are doing, your preference will depend on which axial length you use for.

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